Alstom – specialising in innovation

Our members Alstom specialise in innovative high speed rolling stock, including flagship new projects such as the Avelia Liberty for Amtrak, the world’s first tilting very high speed train. But innovation doesn’t stop with the design of the trains. High speed trains require careful maintenance, and here in the UK, Read more…

HS2 on track

Our latest publication – HS2 on Track – demonstrates how HSRIL members are leading the delivery of the High Speed 2 project.  The report shows how industry is uniquely placed to provide UK expertise across the range of specialisms required to make the project a success. With more than 15,000 kilometres of Read more…

Royal Assent granted for Phase 1 of HS2

Royal Assent has been granted for Phase 1 of HS2, marking another significant milestone for High Speed Rail in Britain. High Speed Rail Industry Leaders welcomed apprentices from across our membership as they joined Transport Minister Andrew Jones MP to say ‘We’re HS2 ready!’

HS2 will be the biggest investment in our skills base in decades and will foster a new generation of world class engineers and experts across a range of sectors. This year (more…)

Rail Supply Group strategy highlights opportunities to maximise benefits to UK PLC

The Rail Supply Group (RSG) has launched its strategy to build growth in the UK rail industry and support exports. Fast Track to the Future sets out the sector’s long-term commitment to increase manufacturing and innovation capability and enhance productivity, skills and employment to support UK economic growth.

High Speed Rail Industry Leaders welcomed the strategy: “The Rail Supply Group and TISS reports in recent days mark a significant step forward in the development of a rail industry skills strategy.

“There is nothing of greater importance to the sector than developing our people. The RSG strategy today identifies High Speed Rail as a cross cutting theme. There is no greater opportunity to demonstrate that rail can be a high-technology and advanced industry and we should use the development of HS2 as a catalyst to invest in our skills base and transform perception of the railways, attracting once again the brightest and the best to the careers it can offer.” (more…)